Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bougainvillea "Elizabeth Angus"


  1. Pak Mood,
    I have this roman flower pot on top of both my gate pillars. I wish to have a prolific flowery plant to grow over the pillars, so do you know if Elizabeth Angus would be a good choice? Can you suggest me alternatives?
    BTW, I notice you mention about doing your doctoral course at the moment. What is the field of your studies? Horticulture?

  2. Dear Chahya,
    If you're loking for a bougainvillea species the best would be the boug. variety called " Singapore Beauty" . This is pink in colour and is widely used on flyovers due to its compact and drooping/trailing effect. Loves the hot sun,too.You would like to check ( Google Images)on these other plant species; Catharanthus roseus,Russelia equisetiformis and Lantana camara. The idea is to pick those plants that give flowers habitually, easy to maintain and cheap ( esp. to replace). BTW, you asked earlier what my doctoral program is about. I'm doing a doctoral program in Business Administration at AeU ( global,Asian university having HQ in KL).
    Thanks for droppin' by.
